Friday, November 28, 2008

Birth Into 100% Pure Light Teleconference

What better way to prepare for your future?

This healing is designed to trigger and release any blocks so you begin remembering your original blueprint. You are then lovingly assisted you to move towards your own truth in an attitude of gratitude and expectation.

I love your classes and found the Birth into Christ Light to be especially exquisite.
Thank you!


Birth Into Light $30.00

Cleansing Elixir Soul Healing

You will receive a stream of newer, brighter, higher vibrational energies replacing the old, damaged ones to regenerate your soul as an elixir would, enlivening your whole soul without changing its essential character.

The essence of these new energies contains the vibration of pure, unconditional love.

Cleansing Elixir Soul Healing $50.00

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Soul Healing, Surgery And Transplants

I have often wondered why I worked so long in surgery and where it would lead me.

I first became a registered nurse in 1974 and worked in the operating room for 21 years. I had expertise in all specialties, and at the end of my career I was doing mostly harvesting and organ transplant surgery.

In the beginning of the 80's I discovered that during surgery I was also doing spiritual surgery. Spiritual surgeons would stand behind me and work through my hands to help the patients in a way that I still have find absolutely amazing.

As my healing practice transforms along with my spiritual evolution, I have begun doing soul surgery and transplants. I could hardly believe my eyes when it happened!

You see, very organ cell, DNA, RNA, body system, chakra, and energy system has a soul. Your finances, spiritual channels, relationships, communication, home, pets, furniture- everything has a soul.

Surprisingly, I inadvertently began giving soul healings. And oftentimes I would go into a person's soul and perform surgery, pulling out black mucous or tarry energies that clogged the flow of light.

What amazed me the most is that sometimes the guides and angels would give me a "new" soul to transplant into the client. This new vibration was to restructure the client into a higher and finer vibration. This allows for a quicker, smoother and easier soul progression because you have left the old template and integrated into a newer one.

It was that easy!

People ask me to explain how this can help them. Well, I liken it to this analogy. It's like being given a new car to replace the one you have been driving for years and years.

There may have been serious problems with your old car. It may have been a "junk" or a "lemon". It served its purpose and got you to your destination. It hauled groceries and pooled the kids to school and their activities. It may still have only played music on cassettes.

Now suddenly you have a 2009 model. It has a dvd player, navigation system, cd player with ipod attachment. It has a camera to see where you are driving when you back up. All the luxuries. It gets you to your destination in safety, comfort, style, with ease and support.

Soul surgery provides opportunities to advance your soul journey. Everyone can benefit from these offerings, whether you are just awakening to your soul journey or you are on a very dedicated, committed spiritual path.

My healing focus is on love, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and service .

Soul healings accelerate your soul progress through transforming soul, mind and body, and increasing your soul standing in order to be of better service to your self, those in your life, community and the world.

Soul healings are inexpensive and totally awesome to experience. If you would like to schedule on with me please let me know.

I will begin doing soul surgery on your heart, heart chakra, and love channels.

If you have a special need or request please let me know. I am here to lovingly serve you.

Heart and Heart Chakra Soul Healing Surgery and Transplantation $50.00

Soul Surgery And Transplant Testimony:

That's what it did and that's why I say it is near miraculous. I think soul surgery is one of your unique gifts that nobody else has.

If you understand the journey of the hero, he or she returns from the journey with an elixir, a boon to society to make it better than it was before. I'm hoping that the sparkling green liquid they gave me to drink will be my elixir when I complete the journey, which is close to its end.
Love and blessings.

During the last five years, Margaret has helped me clear a lot of debris from my soul, spirit, and energy field. Much of this damage came from a childhood auto accident, a psychic attack that happened in my early thirties, and also some past life trauma that had left its imprint or samskara in my soul memory. Recently she has used her technique of “soul surgery” to help me clear some of the deepest and most difficult issues I needed to heal—those that could not be resolved through other energy healing methods.

The first area that she worked on through soul surgery was my tien den, the energy center located between the second and third chakras. Via distance, I could see her pulling out through my tien den, a dark, shadowy form that had been superimposed on the back of my legs. I was surprised because I had not consciously known it was there, though the back of my thighs had always felt a bit stiff and tense. After the removing this substance and receiving new soul energies through my tien den, the back of my legs and lower part of my body felt warm, more supple, and filled with a calmness and groundedness that I had never felt before in that area of my body.

After the healing, Margaret and I discussed what it was and determined that the shadowy substance was probably a thought form or imprint of damage left over from past life sexual trauma. As she pulled the form out, I could feel it contained sensations of perverse sexuality. Previously, she had cleared dark cords and other soul injuries related to that past lifetime. Because the results of this healing were phenomenal, almost miraculous, I requested another soul surgery on my root chakra. More debris came out and afterwards my feet felt soft, clear of all stiffness, and able to connect with the earth almost as a new found friend.

Margaret suggested doing the rest of my chakras for the next healing. At first I felt a little uncertain because I didn’t know if I could handle that much change all at once, wondered if it might produce a healing crisis or perhaps I might not feel like myself anymore and become disoriented. I knew from past experiences that when our energy shifts, either upgraded through a healing or degraded through an injury, we feel differently afterwards. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to accept all the possible differences. After a brief deliberation, I put my trust in God and felt willing to accept whatever changes may come.

Though I didn’t feel or see much coming out of my second chakra, I felt and saw a warm stream of bright, new energies entering that area and felt much love spreading through my being. Next, I could see and feel Margaret’s energy hands gently reaching into my crown chakra. I felt her pulling a large, dark object out of my head. As she lifted it above my head, I could see that it looked something like a giant crab or spider like form with appendages that went through the upper part of my body. Using the DNA technique I learned from Margaret in a workshop, I sent my consciousness several feet up over my head and called upon God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary and the Ascended Masters, to come and help her remove this thing from my life. I wondered how Margaret was doing and prayed for her to maintain her strength and courage in removing the darkness during the soul surgery. Because it looked so horrible, I knew she must have been as shocked as I was to see what she had in her energy hands. I sensed that it had been placed beneath my crown chakra to prevent my spiritual growth and block divine energies from circulating through my crown.

I could feel her proceeding through clearing the rest of my chakras and filling them with the warm, regenerative energies of love.

After she removed it, I felt warm energies filling the space and knew that this was the beginning of finding my freedom to just be who I am, a journey that I have been on for most of my life.

Next, I could see amorphous, unidentifiable debris coming out of my third chakra or solar plexus. Again, I could feel a stream of new, regenerated energies coming into that area, and had the same experience with the rest of my chakras being renewed.

The results of experiencing soul surgery on all of my chakras has had the overall effect of putting me in touch with the gentleness and peacefulness of my soul in its more natural, undefended, loving state.

During the following week, I felt many changes, Although I felt much more
balanced, I could also feel my emotions more strongly, as I had when I was
a child. All of my senses have become more acute, while at the same time, I
can feel the gentleness of my soul coming more to the surface of my skin.

“This healing is the beginning of my freedom,” I also mentioned the clearing of my crown
chakra, “was the healing I've been waiting for since the psychic attack 25 years ago.”

Margaret Loris is the most courageous, skilled, and ethical healer I have ever worked with. Her healing gifts are many and her new technique in soul surgery and regeneration of soul energies is one of her most beneficial gifts of all.

Love and Blessings
Joy Kidstry

Soul Healing, Surgery, And Transplant BUY NOW $50.00

Chicago Healing Money Class

Money Tree

Who isn't being swept up with the financial fear that is threatening us?

We are living in very challenging times which are prompting old beliefs to resurface.

I think it's time to begin healing our relationship to money and success.

Would you like to join me?

My next class will support and enhance your ability and power
to transform and heal the vibrations of money and success.

I have hundreds of transmissions so you can heal deeper and at a faster rate.

If you feeling uncomfortable with your healing skills
and need some guidance and refresher information, I will help you.

If you would like to get the best and deepest healing results, I will help you.

If you are stressed to the max and would like healing with the least discomfort, I will help you.

Or if you would you just like to sit back, relax and receive healing, I will do that too.

Read testimonies:


Your meditations are marvelous. You use just the right tone, pitch and volume in just the right places. I can't get enough of them!

Thank you again for all that you do!
You are always such an inspiration... I feel so enlightened every time you send your monthly messages. Take care Margaret.... Love and blessings Toni
This was amazing. Thank you! At one point during the vow release, I was crying and gasping for breath and my left eye was blinking rapidly, which is what happens when I'm working with past life stuff. So I know something was really happening!

Yes, the vows being released were the healers vows. I can't say which ones specifically, but it was pretty amazing. The whole session left me feeling wonderful. Yes, feel free to use whatever you want of my comments. Thanks again!

I've never heard of so many people making so many drastic changes or being forced to! I want to help with support and keep it affordable.

Here is an outline of what is included in the Healing Money class.

Activated Your Prosperity DNA
Abundance and Wellness Gene Activation
God Gene
Joy Gene

Transformed and released 8 Past Life Vows

There are 200 money belief downloads, 100 Abundance transmissions, 50
Prosperity downloads.

Paternal And Maternal Blessings

Abundance Meditation

And as a surprise, the Guides told me to perform
Soul Surgery And Transplantation on your money channels.


I will send you the MP3 file to download and you can listen at your leisure and as often as you like.

Healing Money Class #30.00

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Spiritual Surgery

It was soon after I began working in the operating room that I first began to experience the work of spiritual surgeons. During an operation, I would feel their presence behind me. As I was assisting the surgeon, they would slip their arms down through mine, as if I was their surgical gown. Before I knew it, they were at work.

I learned more about spiritual surgery while attending the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. In our junior year, we were taught that surgery was being performed at the Etheric Template Level - the 5th subtle energy body. When corrections are done on this higher level of the aura, it changes the body’s “blueprint”, then rearranges the auric fields below it, until it reaches and heals the physical body.

What I would like to explain to you is that in spiritual Surgery there is a real "operation". The spiritual surgeons work in a similar manner as physicians. I could sense them cutting, sewing, inserting medicines, transplanting, irrigating, and raising the body’s vibrations with gold light. They even use lasers and very high tech equipment that I have never seen. They do so much and so fast that I sometimes am unable to repeat all that is done.

I also observed that there is a hierarchy of spiritual surgeons just like in the operating room. An “intern” spiritual surgeon may come in and begin the prep work. Then he will depart and quickly the "resident” will enter and begin his level of work. When the time is right, the “attending” spiritual surgeon will enter and work with such precision, such focus, and with the speed of light. And as soon as he has accomplished his task, he will leave as quickly as he entered, leaving the remainder of the surgery for the “resident” and “intern” to finish.

As I began my healing practice, I began invoking spiritual surgeons to assist me. My deep love that I have for my clients is all I needed to summon them. The spirit surgeon will always be available and know when they are needed. They are so eager, so willing, so happy to help humanity heal and transform.

The spiritual surgeons can only work through you with your cooperation and of your Higher Self. You are fully protected - no harm can come to you or your client during these healing sessions.

You can easily communicate with the spiritual surgeons. Simply ask them questions and they will inform you about what the are doing. You can even ask them questions about post operative care, or make health recommendations. You will be amazed at the answers you will receive.

As an operating room nurse for twenty one years, I can tell you that this way of working is much more comfortable than the long hours I spent standing frozen in one position for hours on end.

Spiritual surgery healing $100.00