Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ThetaHealing, The Tip Of The Iceberg: The Conscious Mind

Most people live life through their conscious mind. Your conscious mind is the logical, reasoning portion of your mind with which you are most familiar. It uses the five senses to gather information that enables you to learn about your physical environment.

As important as your conscious thought processes and actions may seem, however, they are to a very great extent guided by a much deeper level of mental activity – your
unconscious mind.

But did you know that over 90 percent of your mental activity is unconscious (the inner mind)?

Its work is done without you even being aware of it. And without reason.

It’s on the job while you’re awake and asleep, 24 hours a day.

It is the builder and
sustainer of your body, the seat of your knowledge, emotions, and habits, and it has a powerful effect on the events that take place in your life.

Your unconscious maintains all your bodily systems.

And like a video camera, your unconscious records your every experience

All that you experience in life is exactly what is written in your unconscious ‘programming.

So, do you want to learn how to reprogram and heal your unconscious mind? And gain new mental attitudes which become your new unconscious programming?

In other words , your old life can be modified, changed, and replaced by your new habits of thinking. It’s not as difficult as you might imagine to change your life. And when you change your life, the lives of those around you change too.

Boy do I have some great news for you! I can show you how to transform your unconscious mind to respond and bring about harmonious, life-enhancing conditions in your life.

ve already living a life controlled by negative thoughts which have inadvertently been deposited in your unconscious. Your inner mind is impartial – it will work just as hard either for you or against you.

So let’s begin now to create a new life, a better and more rewarding life, using the simple
ThetaHealing techniques. It’s that easy to be master of your destiny.

ThetaHealing is simple to follow, easy to learn, and you don't need any special skills to begin your healing. All you need is willingness to learn. It's as easy as following step-by-step directions.

I am offering my next
ThetaHealing class this March in Chicago.

Let me be your personal healing coach!

Read about the Basic Theta Healing Class

Read more about Chicago's Basic Theta Healing Class

Passing it Forward with the expectation of bringing you to a higher level of experiences and understanding of your gifts/abilities as an evolved individual.

Dates: March 26-28, 2010
Location: 2210 W. Wilson Ave.
Fee: Early Registration $400.00 with a $100.00 deposit by March 20. $450.00 after 5/20/10

Includes free workbook and email support

Cost: $396.00 prepaid by March 3rd, or $440.00 at the door.
Previous course graduates ALWAYS welcome-$200.00
Includes free
ThetaHealing book, workbook, and email support.


To reserve a seat simply send your $100.00 deposit to:

Margaret Loris
2210 W. Wilson Ave,
Chicago, 60625

Or you can easily pay through
Paypal. Send your $100.00 deposit to my account at

If you are interested in learning more about DNA
ThetaHealing or hosting a class in your area please contact me:

ThetaHealing™ originated by Vianna Stibal.
Thank you Vianna!

Vianna Stibal and Margaret Loris

Margaret has been chosen Energy Healing Expert for SelfGrowth,
the biggest self help portal on the Internet, rated #1 by Yahoo and Google.

Watch this iceberg collapse! And your outdated beliefs will do the same with ThetaHealing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Being an enthusiast of Thetahealing, it helped me a lot in terms of having good relationships with my loved ones, having inner peace and, most of all, a renewed outlook in life, making me a better man.

It is in the state of Theta brainwaves where Thetahealing practitioners access the link between the conscious and the unconscious mind. This is also where the Theta healers connect to the source of energy of the Universe and witness miracle healing.

Honestly, I still have a lot more sessions to attend with Thetahealing, but I am already seeing the positive outcome of it.