Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Looking For A Unique And Special Network? Healing And Energy Class/Teleconference

Are you searching to share your wildest thoughts and dreams?

in a supportive community with like minded people?

Are you eager to learn more "Tricks Of The Trade" to help you and your fellow man?

Want to learn healing secrets that have been hidden for centuries?

Well, do I have great news for you!

The next witch's coven will be October 18, 2008 and includes a conference call.

We will discuss healing and energy.

Are you planning a life of magic?

Do you feeling uncomfortable with your healing skills?

Need some guidance and refresher information from an old pro?

How would you like to get the best and deepest healing results?

And with the least discomfort?

Or would you just like to sit back, relax and receive healing?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I have the solutions for your dilemma.

My next healing class will support and enhance your healing ability and power.

Do you know what it means to heal? Or the subtle definitions of energy?

Do you ever wonder why some people heal faster than others?

I have hundreds of transmissions so you can heal deeper and at a faster rate.

Would you like to be able to heal without attachment?

I will remove hundreds of blockages that prevent you from reaching your goals.

I will also activate your healing genes to give you an extra added boost.

And remove karma, and past life commitments that keep you stuck.

My next class will be on Healing and Energy!

Read testimonies on my first class on Healing Love.

This is a secret I'm sharing. I began listening to Margret's recording and was distracted by my 2 year old daughter. I totally forgot about it and just kept it playing in the background. What I noticed was that before long I began feeling lighter and brighter and my energy field expanded without me focusing on the .mp3 file at all. This works on its own. I's amazing! Give me MORE!
Nancy P.

My wife and I have been going to couple's counseling for six months now with little success. I saw Margret's ad for her Healing Love class and thought I'd give it a try. Well, to make a long story short, the very night I purchased Margaret's download my wife and I took a very romantic candlelight bubble bath together. We still haven't listened to the entire recording because we always get distracted!
Nathan P.

Hey Margaret, More good news!! I have been just floating on a cloud since Saturday. The downloads were so powerful. So, I told you how I have that job interview that I'm very excited about this coming Friday, and how my boss gave me a paid day off Saturday, well here's the kicker... about a week ago I showed my boss a video of the singer SarahBrightman , I really enjoy her music and around that same time I had written down a personal list of things I wanted to do in my senior year of college. One of them was to go to the SarahBrightman concert. so I looked up her concert in Chicago and the tickets were a bit pricey but I thought "I'll find a way to go." About 3 days ago my boss sent me an email asking about her and when she was coming to Chicago. I was a bit bummed because I figured he was asking so he could take some of his Jesuit friends or something because they do a lot of stuff like that. So about an hour ago I opened an email from him asking if I could go to the concert!! So I am totally getting a free ticket to go to the concert I absolutely wanted to go to.

Things have been so great lately, since opening up to my guides and channeling, I have seen such amazing changes in my life.

On the Thetahealing love downloads: Since working with Thetahealing my spiritual sight has improved much, and while we were doing the love downloads I was worked on by a "love doctor" he was absolutely hilarious he had a pink light that he was putting all over me and he was also wearing a reflecting mirror just like a doctor. He had a very lite and playful energy. He also told me that "love is [supposed to be] light(lite)" his phrase had a double meaning which I picked up intuitively. While he was putting the pink all over me there was a lite happy feeling. I could see and understand how love is meant to be lite and happy. I also have been feeling old programming leaving me.
A thought came to me today while I was walking down the street in my neighborhood. I was looking down a long sidewalk lined with beautiful trees, and I thought to myself 'once you see past the illusion that life happens to you and realize that you create your life this world becomes your playground.'

In love and light(lite)

This is awesome! I never felt energy like this before. My husband even took me out for a romantic dinner for the first time all year. And I listened to the recording a week after it was made all the way from Berlin. How do you do it?
Anika M.

What a deal. I get 2 hours of Margaret's healings for $30.00. That saves me $170.00. Thank you Margaret!

I've never heard of so many people making so many drastic changes or being forced to! I want to help with support and keep it affordable.

The 2 hour session is being held Saturday October 18, 2008 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Cost is $30.00

If you are attending in person, my address is:
2210 W. Wilson Ave.
Chicago 60625

If you plan on going "green" and attend per teleconference, I will send you the phone number and code number when I get it.

If you are unavailable at that time and would love the healing energies and information, I will send you the class link to listen at your leisure. This is especially for those of you in other countries and time zones.

Everyone who registers will receive the web link so that you can review as many times as you desire.
Healing and Energy Class/Teleconference $30.00
Buy Now

If you missed the live Healing Love telecast you can still get the .mp3 file here.
Healing Love class $30.00
Buy Now

There is a $20.00 discount if you purchase 4 consecutive 2 hour classes
4 classes for $100.00
Buy Now

I hope to see you then!

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