Friday, October 10, 2008

Tried Healing Yourself-

And Feel Like A Fish Out Of Water?

Do you feeling uncomfortable with your healing skills?

Need some guidance and refresher information?

How would you like to get the best and deepest healing results?

And with the least discomfort?

Or would you just like to sit back, relax and receive healing?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I have the solutions for your dilemma.

My next healing class will support and enhance your healing ability and power.

Do you know what it means to heal? Or the subtle definitions of energy?

Do you ever wonder why some people heal faster than others?

I have hundreds of transmissions so you can heal deeper and at a faster rate.

Would you like to be able to heal without attachment?

I will remove hundreds of blockages that prevent you from reaching your goals.

I will also activate your healing genes to give you an extra added boost.

And remove karma, and past life commitments that keep you stuck.

I’ve never heard of so many people making so many drastic changes or being forced to! I want to help with support and keep it affordable.

I will send you the MP3 file to download and you can listen at your leisure and as often as you like.

Healing class $30.00

I will send you the MP3 file to download and you can listen at your leisure and as often as you like.

Healing class for $30.00 PayPal
Buy Now


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You - I've been trying to catch classes of yours in Chicago for nearly a year now. What a wonderful tool this internet is !!! I did most gratefully receive your Healing class #2. The effects are profound to say the least. I look forward to future work with you.
Best Regards,
Nancy Wood McElmeel

My biggest "Thank You" to you is for the release of past vows & oaths. I have been very aware of "something" that was holding me back or blocking my true potential for healing. This section of the class was Exactly what I was look for. I have also been aware that I held back my energy. I had no idea why I had the feeling to do so. I have been working at a bird sanctuary in Florida with about 40 birds. It would seem like I had to stretch out my energy like a thin vail to get them all in. I felt the release of these fears most profoundly with your class. Most of the class I had a very physical presence of my heart chakra. It's hard to describe. I've had this feeling several times before in deep meditation or when I'm receiving strong healings or teachings. I wasn't able to finish the #2 healing class, I got to 'Mastering" and had to stop. I will e-mail feedback of that when I finish today.
Thanks for your help!!!!
Best Regards,
Nancy Wood McElmeel

Once again, Thank You! I wanted to e-mail you while my heart chakra was still vibrating at such a rate it's almost like fireworks. The ocean of peace meditation was remarkable---- This class has hit on every block I knew about and had no idea I had. It's given me new perspectives with working with clients, animal as well as people. I'm sure it will take going over a few times to completely absorb all that you put into this class.
I'm so grateful to have been guided to this teaching.
Best Regards,

Hi Again,
My long walks on the beach made my vizualization on the Ocean of Peace meditation quite easy.

It very much feels like the healing is soul level and beyond. It's just the most amazing feeling. I often (as happened this time in the Ocean of Peace meditation) am paralized for a while. The vibration is so intense. Quite an expanded feeling to say the least.
I look forward to more work with you.
Best Regards,

I'm a BFRP, Bach Flower Registered Practitioner as well as a DNA Theta Healer(I worked with Christine Sonnen out of Chicago), Quantum Entrainment & Reki Master. It's all really the same in my mind. But these are the tools I connect best with.
Yes, you can use my testimony. Helps to validate experiences. I don't mind if you use my name or credentials.
The healing is amazing and couldn't be more gentle. To learn so much with such ease - healing and learning Should be this easy! The only side effect is complete elation.
Best Regards,

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