Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's Brewing In Your DNA? DNA Activations!

Your heart and your DNA work hand-in-hand to produce the life that you experience everyday.

Do they do this independently of your input? Just the opposite ~ both your heart AND your DNA await your orders with each breath.

You are creating the life you are experiencing physically as well as mentally and emotionally.

Your DNA/heart connection creates open communication between you and your body. It is an opening to the Omni-dimensional information you wish to receive.

Your DNA/Heart connection contains your ability to transcend dimensions, to actually know your life beyond the physical realm.

Your DNA/Heart connection is your virtual messenger service spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Have you had your DNA activated yet?

Do you want to feel more integrated and whole?

I have been activating the DNA in people from all over the world.
It is so very exciting!

Would you like your DNA activated?

It is a very safe and sacred healing.

If so, please contact me.

I would be honored in helping you reach your goals easier on your healing journey.

Only $25.00
Buy Now
Buy Safely With Paypal

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